Life Comes at you and from there it is all about the choices we make, how we deal with those choices and how we act and react to the people and things around us. My goal: Happiness. I surround myself with happy people when I can. And if by chance I bring some happiness to others along the way it just goes to show; It Is What It Is

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Who Do THey Think They are?

I woke up yesterday morning and as usual listened to the news headlines as I drove to work.  Top in the news was that a republican senator from upstate NY had changed his mind and was going to vote for marriage equality in the upcoming vote.  Then, while I am working out at the gym I see that Governor Cuomo is urging everyone to talk to their represntatives because they are only two votes shy. 
I have been excited about the push towards equality in NY state until yesterday when I just got mad.  No, not just mad, furious.  Why the hell is there a need for a vote?  Who determined that two people who want to get married and commit themselves to each other need a vote to have that done?  What happened to civil rights?  And who is voting?  These people who are sitting in Albany are voting and they are not the public, they are not the popular vote!  I know we the people voted them into the position to be the vote givers, but what makes one person go against potentially their morals and values and ideals to vote for something that their people want?
And again I state why are we even having to bring this up for a vote.  Was it only this past century that mixed races were not allowed to marry?  Two women, two men, is that mixed races?  it is not even mixed gender?
Back in the time when laws were written, somehow it became law that a man must marry a woman and a woman must marry a man.  Maybe this was so people did not marry their dog or their neighbors goat.  But now the laws are antiquated.  Lets just take them off the books.  There are no needs.  Yet we are voting - and I am using that term loosely.
Play the game Balderdash and you will see all the assinine laws on the books in different states across this nation.  Most of them don't mix religious values with civil rights.
For goodness sake, my hope is they just pass this and move on.  Such a waste of time, effort and money for a right that should be no less a right than John and Jane marrying!  Sue and Mary, Dave and Rick, etc so on and so forth.  It should be a non issue.  Lets make it so and stop wasting precious resources on crap when there are so many real things to do!